Thursday, January 29, 2009


I chose the topic of vaccination awareness because I have seen vaccinations in the media spot light providing incorrect information. There is also a lot of information available through newspapers, television and the internet that present the “dangers” of routine vaccinations. While I’m aware of the rare side effects of vaccinations, I feel that some number of the population may be unaware of the reasons we have routine vaccinations, and the numerous benefits that result in immunizing our population. Vaccinations are on the top ten list, created by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), of the greatest public health achievements of the past century. Routine immunizations protect our population as a whole from diseases such as Polio and Measles, which can be crippling and even deadly. I chose this topic because I want to help individuals become aware of the benefits of immunization and the risks of choosing not to. “Not vaccinating your children is a disservice to the community.” Dr. Cole, professor of Public Health, Brigham Young University.

For more information visit the CDC or WHO websites.

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